Saturday, December 13, 2008


To answer your question Halley, I thought a picture is better than a million words. This is your grandpa Sid in the background, your great grandpa Alva with Aunt Sis with their first windrower (or swather). You can see that it cuts the Alfalfa and the alfalfa goes through the machine and puts the alfalfa into rows. Here is Grandpa Sid kneeling in what we called the Sid Jr but your dad named it the missionary. Here is Grandpa Sid standing in the missionary. This is after we started using the Sulfur machine, but here again that is another story.


Tina said...

Am I alone? Looking at Sis in that picture with her bare belly and bare legs, I'm thinking . . . where were all the misquitoes?

Fun pics!

Grandpa Sid said...

Tina, That's "mosquitoes" Like Moss?

It is kind of unusual, but you have to remember this is the days after the introduction of "OFF".

Before we relied on Citronella, a citrus oil junk that didn't work at all. But they did make up a melodious ditty was made up about it.

"Mosquitoes they bite,
They're awful tonight,
and you smell just like
Citronella. :0

Love You

Tina said...

I even looked up misquitoes before I posted . . . I was more concerned with the middle of the word than the beginning so I missed it!!! ROFL

King Family said...

Wow, I must have missed this post. Thank you for answering my question. Im surprised at the picture of Sis too.