Thursday, May 28, 2009


Yesterday after seeing my corn dug up Sid and I went up to Southern States and bought "squirrel repellent". Man it smelled so bad. I went around the garden and then up and down the rows with the corn seed; I did spray some plants also.

Soooooo what was in the garden this morning having their breakfast, two cute little squirrels.
Sid and I took back the smelly repellent and got our money back, bought some more corn and headed to Walmart where they sell air guns. I hope to improve my aim this week. I used to be a pretty good shot.


Tina said...

Did you show Southern States your pictures? :)

Did you think about trying the cayenne??? ;)

or getting a dog? rofl

The two old crows said...

I did try the cayenne. It might have been to old. It didn't seem to work. Dad said no to the dog yesterday. The girl at southern states told him how her lab puppy kills the squirrels.