Monday, July 23, 2007

Primary Pioneer days at the ward

As you can see I have two pictures out of wack.

I had them in right and some how deleted them when I was jocking the pictures around. I have even changed the times but it doesn't seem to matter.

Grandpa and I went to Patuxent ward to the pioneer days because they asked Grandpa to tell stories of butter .
Trudy and Steve stayed home with Baxter because he had his tonsils taken out Thursday.

As you can see someone had brought aprons, which Ceci is wearing, and suspendors, like Noah has on.

They divided the boys from the girls and I tried to follow them around to get pictures.

Noah and Zane went to pull a cart. As you can see it developed problems. Grandpa and Brother Nelson tried to fix the cart. So the kids got some lessons on how the pioneers fixed the wheels. The Ceci and Stevie learned out to piece a quilt.

After Zane and Noah couldn't pull the cart they went to a station to build paper hand carts. The brothern told them stories of the handcarts.

Zane making his oxen hat.

Cecilia and Stevie here are making a ox hat.

You can see Grandpa and Brother Nelson worked awhile trying to get the cart fixed. Grandpa found out someone put the bearings in the wheel backwards.

Here Grandpa is relaxing while Brother Nelson went to see if he could buy a bearing. He came saying it would cost $40.00 for a new bearing and the store didn't have them in stock. I found out it was the primary president that put the bearing in backwards. It is the Bishop's cart. She felt bad about the whole thing.

Here is Ceci making her paper hand cart.

Stevie did pretty well making her cart.

You can tell Noah is pretty serious about his quilting.

Here is Grandpa tell the kids about butter. He thought he was going to be inside so he put everything on the computer, forgetting the pioneers did not have electricty or computers. Good thing he charged his battery the night before.
You can see all the kids have baby bottles that had cream in them. After the butter was made they ate the butter on rolls.

Here the girls and boys are getting ready for a tug of war.

The girls are so happy. They won.

After it was all over everyone had watermelon to eat.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Tie Dyeing T-shirts

This was taken in May. Trudy and the other kindergarden teachers did tie dyeing with their students and there was some dye left over so Trudy brought it home.

As you can see we were doing our own shirts. Trudy helped with the twisting.

After the twisting came the putting on the rubber bands. This was all new to me. I had never done this before or seen how to do it. Then came the coloring.

Everyone got to tie dye their own shirts. It was really quite fun.

You can see even Dad and Steve did their own shirts.

No one took my picture but you can see that I did one and Stevie wrote my name on my sack.
Next time I would get bigger shirts .
You can see Trudy and I liked our shirts

We went to the ward picnic where we got lots of comments. Steve and Dad didn't wear theirs.

We had a girl taking our pictures because she has a girlfriend that wanted to get into t-dyeing.
You can see the kids were wore out from the ward picnic.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

St Mary's City, the site of Maryland's first capital

We started at the vistor center. Baxter, Cecilia, Stevie, Noah and Zane Bainter.
English settlers established the colony in 1634, not long after the founding of Jamestown and Plymouth. It flourished until the capital was moved to Annapolis in 1695.

This is the Calvert home. Baxter, Ceci, Zane and Noah learned the games the children back then played.
Baxter is looking on as we are shown the early muskets. I missed it, but all of the Bainter family stood on this stump. You can see that Stevie did not want to ride in the wagon.

On the St Mary's river is a re-creation of a 17th century square-rigged ship. The Maryland Dove is a working ship that sails to ports-of-call around the Chesapeake Bay to tell the story of Marland's history. They have a working cannon that we saw and heard.