Monday, November 12, 2007


Lora tagged me so here goes I had to think long and hard to find six things I enjoy.

1. I do love to read. I used to love anything that was printed and couldn't put a book down until it was finished. Now I love the scriptures and other related church books. I still read fiction but just don't have the time I used to when I had 4 children at home.

2. I love to crochet and quilt. Right now I'm in the middle of a project of embroidery and quilting that grandpa says I'll die before I get it done. We'll see.

3. When basketball season is here and the Jazz are telecast here in the East I love watching them play. When I lived in Utah I watched all the games that were telecast. Grandpa and I enjoyed watching the World Series this year also.

4. I used to love gardening and yard work. I did some of that last week and my head and eyes are itching so bad I wonder if I want to finish weeding this week as it rained really good last night and should make it easier to pull the weeds.

5. I have done family history over the years and love finding names and histories that make my ancestors come alive. I love taking them to the temple and doing their work for them. That is something I haven't done much of here in Maryland because I'm afraid of driving on the beltway. Right now I'm am indexing on the familysearch and that is always fun.

6. Last of all and the most important is that I love being with family. Reading the blogs of those that blog and reading the emails of those that don't is becoming more important as I grow older and live farther away from some that are most dear. Since I'm getting older it seems more important staying in touch with one another and this is such a great age to live in when we can call, see and share with one another so easily.

Well I think that about does it. Lora has tagged everyone I know except for Halley and I will tag her before Tina does.

1 comment:

young family said...

It is hard to think of things to say about yourself, I had to ask my kids what to say. "What do I like to do????" They just laughed at me. I liked yours. Thanks for sharing.