Monday, August 3, 2009

ahhh work

This morning Sid decided to help cut the limbs of the pine trees and help the boys load them into the dumpster. He had to go get them up because Steve had gone to work and Trudy was at school.
You can see a wagon in the back ground and they loaded it up just like they did this wheel barrow and it worked niffy.
Grandpa making sure Baxter knew how to make the knot.
Noah hoping he could pull the load in.
As you can see it was wishful thinking because Baxter pulled in the load with Noah steering.

This sure makes the wagon and wheel barrow go in faster and all the way to the back.
Stevie's looking on.

Stevie just having fun.


Debby said...

very creative way to ease the load

Tina said...

You guys seem to know the way to make work fun!