Saturday we went to Baxter's Eagle Court of Honor. He is our third grandson to receive his
eagle. Tayler Young was the first.
My pictures are a little grainy, sorry. My camera was giving me fits, sometimes it took pictures and then I tried several different settings. Oh well.
Steve, Baxter and Trudy.
Baxter receiving the eagle belt buckle
Baxter with the 3 others that received their eagles and watching the other eagles that were there in attendance come to the front.
McKay Stevens our 2nd grandson to receive his eagle.
The Bainters. Trudy, Ceci, Zane, Noah, Steve, Stevie and Baxter.
Trudy and Baxter
Trudy, Baxter and Steve
Baxter and Steve.
It made me wish that I had tried harder with our boys so they could have gotten their eagle. Being raised in a family of all girls I didn't know anything about scouting. Great Day!!!!