Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Eve at the Stevens

Sid and I, and the Bainter family went up to Tina's for Christmas Eve dinner and the opening up of the new PJs for the next year.

We had a great dinner, beef brisket, shrimp, green tossed salad (made by me, nothing special), Olive cheese bread, (recipe by pioneer woman, very good), Holiday bacon appetizers ( pioneer woman, again very good, done by Tina), Delicious Creamy Mashed Potatoes, (pioneer woman, by Trudy, again very good), and chocolate cake.

I also have cinnamon rolls thawing out, (pioneer woman, made by Tina) that Grandpa and I are going to eat today. They look delicious.

After dinner we had the opening up of presents. Then Grandpa and I came home and crashed in bed. Woke up to find that Santa had filled our Stockings with goodies.

1 comment:

young family said...

Ok I am impressed that you guys have used the Pioneer woman recipes, I just want to and am to lazy. Glad I told you about her though.

Sounds like you had a blast.