Well Ceci wanted to know why I wasn't doing the tag thing so here goes.
1. 10 years ago: I was still living at the Tenny place in Abraham, Utah. Zane Bainter was born in February, Mom's open heart surgery was that June. I was working at the Family History Center as a staff member 1 day a week, working at the Delta Livestock Auction 1 afternoon a week, and started working for a caterer in Delta two days a week. At this same time I went to Murray and helped with Mom, changing her dressing on her leg at at the first of the week and back in Delta the last part of the week. Our beloved Smokey died also in 1998.
2. Things on my to do list today: I work on the church indexing and I want to arbitrate 100 names, do some embroidery on some quilt blocks, read, give Noah and Zane piano lessons, remember to get Stevie and Noah off the bus at 4:05.
3. Snacks I enjoy: I love to eat buttery popcorn, and a good chocolate chip cookie.
4. What would I'd do if I were suddenly a billionarie: Pay all my debts. Then I would like to get a place closer to the temple so I could do more temple work with Sid, go on church missions until I was to old to go, and go on trips to Germany and other places where my ancestors are from.
5. Three of my bad habits: hmmmmmm just kidding. I swear to much, I'm to selfish with my time, I am also not very thoughtful of others, I make snap judgements of others and have to change my option later.
6. Five places I have lived: Portland, Oregon; La Grande, Oregon; Salt Lake City, Utah; Murray, Utah; Delta, Utah and now Maryland.
7. Five jobs I have had: Babysitter, nurses aide in Delta, School bus driver, Caterer, aide for special education in Delta Elementary.
8. Five things people might not know about me: hmmmm I think I'm old enough everyone knows me. I'm basically shy person, I don't like going places where I don't know people. I have always wanted to sing in the Tabernacle Choir, big pipe dream. I really hate to drive, everyone knows I dislike being a passenger, but getting out of the house and driving makes me very nervous. I could just stay home, never grocery or clothes shopping and be happy.
Okay everyone happy!!!!!!
Yep, I'm happy!! I kept checking to see if you had done it yet!
I'm happy too!! Enjoyed reading them. Love ya, Trudy
I enjoyed them also. Thanks for doing them.
I like the family photos on the side too. I remember you mentioning some of the names but not all of them. It would be cool to have more info on them.
Thankyou Grandma! I'm happy now. I love you.
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