Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Baxter wanted me to pick him up from school Monday because he didn't feel well. I went to the library first and I had never seen this many Amish men standing around talking to each other.
Then as I was leaving this father and son were leaving the Amish market. We pass wagons like this on our road going home on the time but this is the first time I was stopped.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

1948 Cartoon

The cartoon every American NEEDS to see! This Cold War propaganda short from 1948 shows how we all lose under big government... including the business tycoons, politicians, unions, farmers and John...

This is 9 minutes but worth the watch (Tina)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Leonardtown Wharf

You park your car and this is the beautiful sign that you see before you enter the fenced area.

Sid standing at the entrance

I had to take this picture so you could see the three flags.

There was a sailboat anchored out in the water and this water skier and boat.

They had all this beautiful signs telling about the Wharf and the different things that are going on. When you enlarge you can read what is on each sign.

These next few pictures tell the history of the Wharf.

Picture across the bay

Sid relaxing

Private piers

Course knowing me I had to try a panorama shot

This was a barn across the bay that caught my eye.
All in all we had a great afternoon.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Today, Saturday

Today Trudy and I went to an Alpaca farm to make a purse out of Alpaca yarn. When we got there the lady was carding the wool getting it ready for us.

It is quite the process .
You can tell she enjoys doing this. This wool was for Trudy's purse.
Then she cut the wool and started pulling in off the carder.
It was a nice cool day and we went out on her deck and she cut bubble wrap to put the wool on as we worked it.

This is what the wool looked like after it has been carded and rolled up. This is what my purse is made of. Another lady came with her two daughters and they used this color also. It came from a Alpaca called applesauce, and the wool looked like applesauce. It feels really soft.
I couldn't help but take pictures of this lady's backyard. You can see the Alpaca's in the foreground. The colors had changed since we were there for the open house.

We were so busy I think that is the last time I had time to enjoy the surroundings.
Trudy is just getting started. You tear up that soft roll of wool and lay it on the bubble wrap and then pour hot water with soap added and start kneading it so that it blends together. Sounds easy huhhh.

And you knead and massage.

Then you use a vibrator.

And Vibrate. Back is hurting by now.

And Vibrate.

You can see all three purses. Trudy's is the black one, my is in the foreground, and Kim's is the one in the background. Lots of hot water and soap. We are just about through.
Trudy and I brought ours home to dry. If anyone is interested in what they look like dry let me know and when they are finished I will post a picture.

Friday Night

Friday afternoon Tina called to see if Sid and I had plans for that night. Mckay and Justin were going camping with the scouts so they were alone.
So we went up to their place and we all went out to dinner. Yummy.
Then Lincoln drove us to La Plata to the The Port Tobacco Players Theater and we saw Angel Street. It was very good. I had seen the movie that was made in 1944 called Gaslight and was wondering how this play would be.
It was so funny at one point in the play a older lady, I'm allowed to say that, sitting in front of us when the husband was yelling at his wife turned to the girl next to her and said" if I was her I'd wrap that chair right around his neck. Tina and I got to giggling and Sid shh me . But it was funny. After it was over and we were back at their house they both wished me a late Happy Birthday.

I was pretty lucky on my birthday. Both my boys called me and Trudy's boys made me a cake and they and Trudy, Sid, Stevie and Ceci all sang happy birthday to me.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Granddaughter Halley

If you go to my daughter Tina Stevens site. The Lincoln Stevens family you can see three different video's of my granddaughter Halley in her opera, Ruddigore. They are very short but it shows her talent. Oh how I wish I could have been there, but I'm glad that Tina and Lincoln could go and see her.