Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Activities to Burn Calories pr Hour

I found this in my Dad's little black notebook.

Beating around the bush 75
Jumping to conclusions 100
Swallowing Pride 50
Grasping at straws 75
Throwing your weight around 300
Wading through paperwork 300
Running around in circles 350
Dragging in your heels 100
Making mountains out of
molehills 175
Climbing the ladder of
success 750
Wrapping up at days end 12
Jogging the memory 125
Climbing the walls 150
Passing the buck 25
Beating you own drum 100
Turning the other cheek 75
Bending over backwards 75
Eating crow 225
Pushing your luck 250
Flying off the handle 225
Adding fuel to the fire 400
Patting our self on the
back 400

I shouldn't be as overweight as I am because I have some of these problems!!!!!!


Tina said...

That's a cute list!

young family said...

I run around in circles all day, does the mean every circle burns that many calories ;)? If so I have it made ;)

The two old crows said...

Lora, I think it means circles in an hour

Shelly said...

I LOVE these! If only it worked that way.