Monday, July 27, 2009

Clear cutting the forest

We are getting a change in scenery here. Steve cut these trees down Saturday and it looks really strange to look out our window and see the street and the neighbors.

This morning Sid went out and cut some more down. There won't be any more trees for the snow to break this winter.

As the limbs are being cut off the trunks Zane and Noah loaded them up in this dumpster. We will have it here a month so it should get pretty full.


Mary Jo said...

Wow! I would be so sad to lose so many trees. (Probably comes of living in a tree-starved desert.) Do the branches break off and clog the road?

The two old crows said...

No they aren't that close to the road, but since being damaged from the snow this winter a lot were dying and were shaped badly from the snow bending them over.

Mary Jo said...

Oh, sad. It's so nice that everything still looks pretty and green without them, though. Are you guys going to plant new ones, or just leave the lovely open view?
PS - Gwen LOVES the blanket you made her. It's the only one she falls asleep with really well. It's a struggle any time we try to use a different one, so we take it everywhere we go. It's seen some real mileage and it still looks beautiful. I always get comments on how cute it is. Thank you again!!!