Saturday, July 11, 2009

Stevie's Sunflower

The other day I was out watching Noah swim in the pool. He was having lots of fun as you will see later .
I turned around to see this yellow bird on Stevie's sunflower. This sunflower came up volunteer this year and she was really excited about it.
From the looks of it the birds have been here before today eating the seeds. I thought it was neat to be able to catch one actually getting the seed out.

Noah loves to jump into the pool making great splashes. I didn't take a very good picture before of him so he wanted some more taken. I did a better job and he jumped better knowing the camera was on him.


Tina said...

That is a very pretty bird!!! I don't think I've seen one like it here! Noah is probably glad to have his whole family back again!

Mary Jo said...

Looks like a fun day! Neat pictures of the bird.