As Trudy and I left Halley's place it was such a beautiful morning. Side note: I left my winter coat in Maryland. I said to Trudy it looks like it is snowing in the mountains to the west of us. "No," Trudy says, "it is to warm to snow".
When the funeral was over and we were leaving the church for the cemetery, it was starting to snow and I'll bet it had dropped 20 degrees.
My son Sid gave me his heavy coat that he had brought from Oregon.
This is me with my four sisters, Debbie, Barbara, Linda and Annette.
Halley and Ryan with one of the umbrella's they were given.
Trudy wrapped up in a blanket to keep warm. She had left her coat at Halley's. We are standing with the Bishop on left and Brother-in-law Wayne on the right.
Son Sid Jr freezing in his suit because I had his coat.
My son George in the white shirt with the other pall bearers. His coat back at the motel.
Daughter Tina came prepared. Doesn't she look cozy and warm?
Trudy and Me.
When my dad died in March 3 years ago there was snow on the ground and it was cold. This day was cold and snowy but still a great day. To have family there and know of their love for our mother, grandmother, great grandmother was enough to keep our hearts warm and that is what counts and not the crazy weather that our bodies were enduring.
I came prepared too grandma! That umbrella was mine, as was the one you used, and the one Justin used. Haha. As we left the house, I said, it looks like it might snow, and I went and grabbed all our umbrellas because I knew you guys wouldn't have any.
I thought it was neat that it snowed. I felt like it was just for grandma. At work later someone mentioned how it snowed out of nowhere and I was a little shocked because I thought it had only snowed for us. I had to laugh at myself because of course it snowed everywhere else in the valley too!
You know Halley I had the same thoughts on the snow. Dad had snow at his funeral and as I was sitting there the thought came that mom wanted snow also.
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