Saturday, May 14, 2011

Broke down--- Sweet Potatoes

Dad and I couldn't help ourselves.  Yesterday we decided to do the garden a little differently.  We aren't going to water this year, just let the rain do the job.  After we planted the corn seed I had left over from last year we went shopping for some pepper plants, for my container, hanging plant for the deck, and a different plant for in front of the two old crows, we went to Zimmerman's and I bought some sweet potatoes.   

I brought them home and put them in vase until this morning when I went out to plant them.

Dad took a picture of me planting the sweet potatoes.  There were 26 plants.  I can hardly wait.  I love those sweet potatoes.
As you can see the rain has done its work already today.  I was out in the rain to finish and it really started coming down as I was finishing up digging some holes so I can transplant some blackberry bushes.
Yellow and orange sweet peppers. 
Trudy's 2 tomato plants 


Grandpa Sid said...

It rained so hard that it tipped over the little tiller. Cecilia was planting the sweet potatoes so fast that she was just a BLUR :)

Tina said...

ha! ha! dad!

The rain mostly waters my garden, unless I see the plants wilting tremendously, then I'll give them a drink!

Good luck!

Lora said...

Funny you are planting black berries and we are trying to kill them...they are everywhere! :)

It all sounds fun, I hope it all works out for you!