Tuesday, September 1, 2020

My Fish Tank September 1, 2020

Today I’m cleaning our fish tank. I have had it a good many years. I even moved it, and the fish,  from Maryland to Utah a year ago. I only lost 2 fish in the move. This past month I have lost all my fish. So I decided to clean it up and sell it. There just isn't a good spot where we can enjoy it all day. Maybe that is why the fish died. They were very sociable, they loved to come over and see us. Here they only were fed twice a day and never saw us. They died within days of each other. It is sad; I will miss them. I wonder if Heavenly father sometimes feels this way when we forget Him and don’t acknowledge his gifts to us, and just don’t remember to feed our spirits and say our prayers.


Anonymous said...

So happy to see a new post 😊 I miss you!

Tina said...

Sorry your fish were lonely!