Monday, April 13, 2009

The day before Easter

We did our annual Easter coloring of the eggs at the Bainters this year. As you can see everyone had their eggs ready to color. Trudy boiled up a dozen eggs for each of them and I boiled up 1 dozen for Dad and me.

Dad always does things a little different. He had Trudy get him a sponge and some more vinegar and he went to coloring his eggs. I think it looks like Stevie had a sponge also.
Zane had his sponge also. Ceci was using a wax crayon. Ceci mixed the colors this year.
Noah and Stevie with their eggs almost all colored.
Here is Ceci deep in thought. She had been sick during the week.
Baxter wasn't feeling good. He had a sore throat, but he colored all his eggs.
Here are Dad's and mine eggs with a few that Trudy had colored.

One of Grandpa's eggs.
Two of Trudy's eggs.
It was fun. I like seeing all the different colors, the different designs and best of all the eating of the eggs after. No the best thing is being with family and watching the faces of the younger children still enjoying coloring and experimenting with this and that.


Ceci said...

i had strep throat. Yes, again. :(

King Family said...

Looks like a bunch of fun. I haven't colored eggs for years. I can't wait to have kids so I can start doing it again. (Not that I CAN'T, but I just don't find the time)